Thursday, December 3, 2009


So sorry its been so long since I've written on this thing. We don't have internet at our house and don't plan on getting it for some time. Which means I am coming to the library regularly and have a short window of time to update myself on cyber-world.

We feel like we're finally settling into Dayton. In terms of the house, we've finished the kitchen, dining room, and living room and are taking a house-hiatus until after the new year. I'm starting to put pictures up on the wall which makes it feel so much more like a home. Not a ton to talk about... I've posted some pictures on Facebook. We've had a few Louisville/Lexington visitors which has been such a blessing to us. It brings a sense of normalcy to our lives, and its just nice to be around people who we really know and share deep fellowship with. We're always open to visitors!

We're enjoying and growing more comfortable in our church. There have been opportunities to have people in our home for dinner and to serve, and I really like that. It keeps me from growing introverted and selfish!

Nathan is still enjoying his job. He even had a conference this week and was making a presentation today. He is working so hard and getting adjusted to the 40-hour work week. I respect him so much for the way he is providing for us. In terms of my job, it has been slow. I've had several interviews which has been such a blessing from God, but nothing has worked out yet. I am waiting on Liberty Savings Bank here in town. I've had two interviews with them to be a teller and am really interested. I feel like they went well, but it just seems like job hunting involves A LOT of waiting! They said I should hear from them by tomorrow. I am running out of things to do in our home and am feeling lazy. Nathan gets up every morning to go to work, and sometimes I sleep in another two hours after he leaves. It doesn't seem fair! He's been great to encourage me and remind me that I can glorify God in any stage of my life (even if I'm staying home and making a Christmas garland so that our home feels more "homey")- but I am just ready to be working. I counted this morning and it's been 6 months since I've had a job! That is unheard-of for me.

It's really challenged me to evaluate where I find my worth. I will admit that, with the combination of being in a new place with no friends, having no job, staying home and doing menial tasks, I have really felt worthless as a person at times. But its really shown some inner-workings of my heart. I feel more valued as a person when I have friends, accomplishments, grand things I'm doing. But that shouldn't be the case. I should feel most valued because the God of the Universe sent His precious, sinless Son to die for my sins. That never changes, even when all my outside circumstances do! I still struggle to remember this daily- as the to-do list grows smaller every day. Just trying to enjoy this time that I have and use it to read more. Because I know a 40-hour work week will present its own challenges too.

Its fun to be in our home for the holidays. We're starting to decorate and plan for Christmas- looks like my family will come to Dayton, so I'm really excited about that! I guess that about does it on our end.

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