Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Interesting signs along the way

At random times during the summer, I've seen a few funny things I thought I'd share with you all.

Must say I've never seen this written on a car before.

I was driving in Dayton looking for a place to live, and passed this store. So if you're interested in adding some bling to your teeth, looks like this is the place to come.

This is a horrible sign on I-65 between Montgomery and Birmingham, AL. Not a very effective way to bring people into the body of Christ. Notice the picture too... priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so loud at the "Gold 4 Ya Mouth" sign. Thanks for the humor. I also just updated myself on your blogs for the last week. That is so great to see God's faithfulness & provision. Sorry I didn't ask you about the house hunting when I talked to you yesterday.
